Vana'diel-- The fictional "earth" of Final Fantasy 11 (FFXI). Pronounced "van-ah-deal."
Quetzalcoatl-- The server in FFXI where my character, Flag, is located. Prounounced "queat-zal-coat-ul".
Tarutaru-- Flag's race. They're not children, despite their childish appearance. They're just short and smart. Pronounced "tar-oo-tar-oo".
Hume-- The human race in FFXI. Pronounced as it's spelled.
Elvaan-- The elves of FFXI. Elves are tall, noble, arrogant, live in the forest and as such are hippies. Pronounced "elv-en".
Mithra-- The "cat-like" race in FFXI. Consider them tan humans with cat ears and tails. A matriarchal race. Pronounced "Mee-thra".
Galka-- The monstrous race! They're tall, strong, muscular, asexual and all male. Pronounced "Gall-ka".
Aggro-- When a monster attacks you. Either it detects you with its sight or its hearing, or you attacked the bloody thing! Pronounced "agh-row".
Link-- When a monster attacks you because it saw you fighting something else. Consider it bestial loyalty to its own kind.
Tank-- A character who takes the brunt of a monster's attacks in group combat.
/tell-- A command used by typing "/tell *character name*" that sends a personal message to the named character. In your chat log, messages marked "Majestica>>" were received from a character named Majestica, and ones labeled ">>Flag" were sent from Flag.
Linkshell-- A shell that produces pearls that you attach to your ear that enables you to talk to anybody whom currently has a pearl from the same shell equipped. It's FFXI's guild/clan system.
Other things, such as jobs, I might also mention. Jobs are different occupations your character can change into in order to make use of different abilities, spells, traits or equipment.
Warrior (WAR)-- The philosophy of "I smash, you die."
White Mage (WHM)-- A healer of wounds and status effects. Can also use some divine magic damaging spells.
Black Mage (BLM)-- A wizard who primarily uses elemental magic to defeat enemies.
Red Mage (RDM)-- A cross between a WAR, WHM and BLM, a jack-of-all-trades. Can do moderate melee combat, and use moderately powerful white and black magic.
Thief (THF)-- Just like it sounds.
Monk (MNK)-- A melee combatant who uses his fists, typically wearing spiked knuckles and the like as well.
Paladin (PLD)-- A tank class that can use white magic.
Dark Knight (DRK)-- A damage-dealing melee class, typically using scythes or two-handed swords.
Beastmaster (BST)-- Makes use of charming monsters to make them fight for them.
Bard (BRD)-- A class that boosts its allies' parameters by playing songs.
Ranger (RNG)-- Uses bows, crossbows and guns to deal damage from afar.
Samurai (SAM)-- A damage-dealing/tank class that uses great katanas to deal damage and quick reflexes to instinctively dodge incoming attacks. Flag is one of these primarily.
Ninja (NIN)-- A primarily tank class that can also damage deal if equipped properly. Uses ninja tools to cast ninjutsu to confuse and damage an enemy.
Dragoon (DRG)-- A damage-dealing class that wields a polearm as well as the aid of a wyvern in battle.
Summoner (SMN)-- Through the aid of celestial avatars, a SMN can destroy foes and help its allies by boosting parameters or healing them.
Blue Mage (BLU)-- Obtains the knowledge to use monster abilities after observing them.
Corsair (COR)-- Pirates who use Lady Luck's touch by rolling the dice, boosting its allies' parameters in different ways while firing at opponents with its trademark "hexagun."
Puppetmaster (PUP)-- Making use of automatons, they control their every move in combat. By adding different attachments to their machine, they can increase performance..
Dancer (DNC)-- During The Great War in Vana'diel's history, troops of dancers were sent out as a way to boost morale to the troops to fight back invading enemy hordes. Aids its allies with curing abilities and ways to weaken enemies, they're quite handy to have behind you in battle.
Scholar (SCH)-- By studying magic, they've learned how to wield the most powerful white and black magics.
Image courtesy of Most of the jobs in FFXI! |
Great, informative post. I like the pictures. Keep it up!